SKOR Career is a portal that provides informative guide, tools and resources to Malaysians who seek to build, enhance and take charge of their career. We want to help job seekers, graduates and professionals realizing their full potential in multitude of industries and specializations.
However, as aligned with our own objective, our goa l is not only to help people securing a job. Instead, we are here to help people to discover their true talents and develop them into the next level, and that includes quitting their full time job, start a business and change the world through the entrepreneurship.
Best Free Job Site for Employers
The original SKOR Career website was developed in Jan 2006 using a simple portal. The simple site provided free resume samples, cover letters and interview question tips. It grew into having a steady, humble readership of 1000 monthly visitors.
A year later, realizing the robust potential of open source application, SKOR Career adopted the use of Job Engine as the main platform for its blog. Beginning of 2007, more useful contents are added on a frequent basis, while the people behind the website also worked hard to build and grow the visitor base. As of December 2007, we have a steady readership of 35,000 unique visitors monthly and growing.
Your Dilemma. Your Problem.
The Malaysian Job Seeker Dilemma is a refreshing insight and reflection of the real dilemma faced by the job seekers finding their way in the employment market. Originally, it was published as an ebook since the beginning of 2007. The title is now in the publication process and will be available in major bookstores tentatively in April 2008.
Are you one of those job seekers out there who runs like a headless chicken finding your dream job but much without success? Maybe you are a fresh graduate. Or a graduate who finished education more than a year ago but is still one without a job.
Maybe a freelancer or a part timer looking for a more secured opportunity. Probably you are a full time employee but still looking for options and opportunities. Or perhaps you are the latest lay-off victim from your company VSS exercise.
In order words, you are a desperate job seeker, and you need a job now.
You have looked everywhere, and you think that you have looked enough. Fruitless job search campaign also draws you into oblivion and disillusions your soul. As a result, you become trapped into ‘fictitious’ job advertisements and job offers. Out of desperation, you end up being lured to do door to door sales job with no training, or end up selling some foreign investment scheme without even a basic salary. You are frustrated, angry and bewildered. You are one job seeker in a dilemma. And you need an answer.
“This book is a reflection of the real Malaysian job seeker in the real Malaysian market place that is full of frustration, confusion, lack of knowledge and fear. It is a book that combines the various aspects in a job seeker’s journey that underlines the dilemma that he or she would feel when stepping into the job hunting world.
What I feel sets this book apart from the rest is that it empowers those whom are unfortunate to secure employment to be on their own and to not look at employment as an opportunity provided by someone else. By this, Zul’s book I believe motivates and brings new realization to job seekers to see job hunting in a different paradigm.
As a working professional in the job search industry, as a past, present and possibly future job seeker, the Malaysian Job seekers’ Dilemma is a book all of us should have.”
HR Consultant, Penang
“In life there are so many steps to be taken by a person. By tradition, a child will enter a school at 7 years old. The child will enter secondary school at 13, and may enter tertiary education institution at age 18. The path is clear. However, after graduation, there is no clear path to be taken for that ‘child’. There is no clear advice on how to embark life as a career person. Parents will find themselves unable to advice on this issue, because, the job market is greatly different from their time.
Thus, after reading this book, I find that its information may fill the void (of what to do after graduation and embarking to career person).”
Nordin Rahman, Software Engineer
“This is an excellent book for graduates & graduates-to-be in the context of the Malaysia job market. The guide is also useful not only for the unemployed but also for those who are already working but looking for a better place to work.
The tips & tricks provided in this book should always be at the fingertips of all job seekers.
You will find this book different from the other books and resources because the author is writing based on his personal experience & the issue about unemployment is one of the most talked topics today.”